Kestofutuuri eli Future continuous


Kestofutuuri muodostuu kahdesta osasta:
futuurimuoto verbistä 'to be' + partisiippi (sanan kantamuoto+ing)

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subjekti futuurimuoto verbistä 'to be' partisiippi
You will be watching
I will be staying
To stay, kestofutuuri
Myönteinen Kielteinen Kysymyslause Kielteinen kysymyslause
I will be staying. I won't be staying. Will I be staying? Won't I be staying?
You will be staying. You won't be staying. Will you be staying? Won't you be staying?
He will be staying. He won't be staying. Will he be staying? Won't he be staying?
She will be staying. She won't be staying. Will she be staying? Won't she be staying?
It will be staying. It won't be staying. Will it be staying? Won't it be staying?
We will be staying. We won't be staying. Will we be staying? Won't we be staying?
They will be staying. They won't be staying. Will they be staying? Won't they be staying?


Kestofutuuri viittaa keskeneräiseen toimintaan tai tapahtumaan, joka jatkuu yhä tulevaisuudessa. Kestofutuuria käytetään useisiin eri tarkoituksiin.

Kestofutuurilla voimme projisoida itsemme tulevaan.

  • This time next week I will be sun-bathing in Bali.
  • By Christmas I will be skiing like a pro.
  • Just think, next Monday you will be working in your new job.

Kestofutuuria voidaan käyttää ennakoimaan tai arvaamaan tulevaisuuden tapahtumia.

  • He'll be coming to the meeting, I expect.
  • I guess you'll be feeling thirsty after working in the sun.
  • You'll be missing the sunshine once you're back in England.

Kysymysmuodossa kestofutuuria voidaan käyttää, kun halutaan kohteliaasti kysyä jotakin tulevasta.

  • Will you be bringing your friend to the pub tonight?
  • Will Jim be coming with us?
  • Will she be going to the party tonight?
  • Will I be sleeping in this room?

Kestofutuuria voidaan käyttää, kun haluamme viitata jatkuviin tapahtumiin, joiden oletamme tapahtuvan tulevaisuudessa.

  • I'll be seeing Jim at the conference next week.
  • When he is in Australia he will be staying with friends.
  • I'll be eating with Jane this evening so I can tell her.

Yhdistettynä sanan still kanssa, kestofutuuri viittaa tapahtumiin, jotka tapahtuvat nyt ja oletamme niiden tapahtuvan vielä jonkin aikaa tulevaisuudessakin.

  • In an hour I'll still be ironing my clothes.
  • Tomorrow he'll still be suffering from his cold.
  • Next year will she still be wearing a size six?
  • Won't stock prices still be falling in the morning?
  • Unfortunately, sea levels will still be rising in 20 years.
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